Feed Application Programming Interface (API) User Guide |
If you have any suggestions on how to make working with this API easier please contact us at feeds@dealerlogin.co
The API based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
Please note, that all actions and commands of Application Programming Interface (API) are regulated by a special partner KeyToken that can be obtained after placing a request via email at feeds@dealerlogin.co Without this key the API tools are not available.
This Application Programming Interface contains only two most essential services that are as follows:
- Vehicle Service - gives access to an entire vehicle stock that is available to the partner KeyToken; checks for any ads on a selected vehicle using its unique vehicle id; provides a list of possible values for the fields, etc
- Lead Service - allows posting the leads on a selected vehicle while using vehicle’s unique id information and checks for inquiries into DealerLogin’s database while providing a feedback to a car dealer. All leads are marked as coming from your source database or your website.
Vehicle Service
EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USEThis service contains the following functions:
Description: Populates an entire vehicle stock available to partner KeyToken. Sold or deleted vehicle records will not be shown. URL for Soap Client: https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/vehicles Return: ArrayOfVehicle which is an array containing Vehicle elements. Each Vehicle has the following fields: Name Description VehicleID A unique Vehicle identifier VehicleType Vehicle type (condition) new car, used car, motorcycle, etc VehicleBrand Vehicle make VehicleModel Vehicle model without additional details VehicleUserModel Vehicle model with additional details e.g. 1.6TDi exclusive VehicleYear Vehicle’s original registration year VehicleMileage Vehicle’s Odometer reading (km) VehicleBodyType Vehicle’s body type e.g sedan, coupe VehicleTransmission Vehicle’s transmission type e.g Automatic or Manual VehicleFuel Vehicle’s fuel type e.g gasoline, diesel VehicleEngine Vehicle’s engine capacity (cm3) VehiclePrice Vehicle’s retail price VehicleColour Vehicle’s colour VehicleDrivingSide Vehicle’s Driver’s side e.g right hand side, left hand side VehicleTraction Vehicle’s traction e.g front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, 4x4, 4x2 VehicleWarranty Free text with Vehicle’s warranty details VehicleFinance If vehicle financing is available VehicleServicePlan Free text with available service plan description VehicleMotorPlan Free text with available motor service plan description VehicleHistory Shows vehicle service history MMCode Vehicle’s Transunion Mead & McGrouther code VehicleExtras Vehicle’s additional features e.g AC, Power Steering (comma separated) Comments Free text containing additional vehicle information PostDate The date vehicle was initially added VehiclePhotos The array of URLs of full size vehicle images
An array of Dealerships is available for each vehicle containing the Dealership details. The fields are a as shown below:Name Description ID The dealership unique identifier Name The dealership name Region The dealership region City The dealership city Email The email address of the person who can be contacted about the vehicle (can be multiple, comma separated) CellPhoneNumber The cell phone number of the person who can be contacted about the vehicle PhoneNumber The dealership contact phone number ContactPerson The telephone number of the person who can be contacted about the vehicle -
Description: Checking, if the selected vehicle is available in stock for sale. URL for Soap Client: https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/vehicles Parameters: Name Description VehicleID A unique Vehicle identifier Return: True if available or False if not available -
Description: Return the list of currently possible values URL for Soap Client: https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/vehicles Parameters: Name Description ElementName The name of the field from the ArrayOfVehicle, e.g. VehicleBrand, VehicleBodyType, Region Return: Array of the currently possible values for the selected field name -
Example of How to use the Vehicle Service:
$header = new SoapHeader('http://tempuri.org/', 'KeyToken', 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX');
$client = new SoapClient("https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/vehicles");
$vehicles = $client->getVehicles();
foreach($vehicles as $vehicle) {
echo $vehicle->VehicleID;
Lead Service
EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USEThis service contains the following functions:
Description: Creates a lead based on a user’s enquiry, posts it to the DealerLogin system and sends the notification message to the dealer via email or sms. URL for Soap Client: https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/leads Parameters: The Lead array with the customer contact information and vehicle unique identifier. Lead array contains the following fields: Name Description VehicleID A unique identifier of vehicle that the customer is interested in. Required. CustomerName Name of customer, who created the lead. Required. CustomerSurname Surname of customer, who created the lead CustomerRegion The province that the customer, who created the lead is interested in. Required. CustomerPhone Telephone number of the customer, who created the lead. Required. CustomerEmail Email address of the customer, who created the lead. Required. CustomerMessage Customer comments LeadCreatedDate The UnixTimestamp of the lead that was created. isMobile Mark. Is this lead is created using mobile. True / False.
False by default.CustomerIP The IP address of the customer, which created the lead Return: Returns a Result element that contain the following fields: Name Description Message If an error occurs the field will contain an error message. Otherwise, a message of successful completion is displayed Success Indicates if the lead is submitted successfully. Returns True for success and False for failure. -
Description: Creates a request based on a user’s enquiry, posts it to the DealerLogin system and sends the notification message to the dealers via email. URL for Soap Client: https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/leads Parameters: The Lead array with the contact information of the person, while looks a specific car. Lead array contains the following fields: Name Description CustomerName Name of the person who created the request. Required. CustomerPhone Tel number of the person who created the request. Required. CustomerEmail Email address of the person who created the request. Required. CustomerMessage Customer comments and vehicle details of the one that the person is enquiring. Required. LeadCreatedDate The UnixTimestamp that the request was created. isMobile Mark. Is this request is created using mobile. True / False.
False by default.CustomerIP The IP address of the person who created the request Return: Returns a Result element that contain the following fields: Name Description Message If an error occurs the field will contain an error message. Otherwise, a message of successful completion is displayed Success Indicates if the request is submitted successfully. Returns True for success and False for failure. -
Example of How to use the Lead Service:
$header = new SoapHeader('http://tempuri.org/', 'KeyToken', 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX');
$client = new SoapClient("https://www.dealerlogin.co/za/wsdl-service/leads");
$Lead = $client->Lead;
$Lead->VehicleID = 255464;
$Lead->CustomerName = "Patrick";
$Lead->CustomerSurname = "Kabelo";
$Lead->CustomerRegion = "Gauteng";
$Lead->CustomerPhone = "0785582367";
$Lead->CustomerEmail = "example@gmail.com";
$Lead->CustomerMessage = "I'm interested in this car. Please call me!";
$Lead->LeadCreatedDate = time();
$Lead->CustomerIP = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]
$result = $client->sendLead($Lead);
If you have any suggestions on how to make working with this API easier please contact us at feeds@dealerlogin.co